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Our teachers


Helene Danielsen (daglig leder)

I grew up with parents who practiced yoga both on and off the mat. Even as a 7-year-old, Ashtanga yoga was my favorite activity to do with my dad. It led me to explore the body and its mobility, strength, and balance.

At the age of 19, I traveled to Mysore, India, where I experienced the deep roots, strict discipline, and traditions of yoga. After that, yoga became a duty and a challenging, hard work for me. A year later, in 2018, I completed a 200-hour foundational yoga training with One Slow Yogi, and yoga once again became my best friend. It was gentle yet strong, free and calm, with a curious and explorative approach.

Through extensive experience, reflection, travel, and research, I have found myself in yoga.

Life is yoga, and yoga is life :)

On the mat, yoga is a serene, dynamic, and active practice for me, yet gentle. It is breath before movement and a desire to connect with my own body. I teach dynamic yoga, yin yoga, dragon dance yoga, and I am also trained in children's and adolescent yoga.

Yoga is enjoyable and accessible to everyone!


Olga Orlowska

Yoga for me is pure love. Yoga taught me how to love myself, and how to love others. It’s a practice of everyday celebration.

I like to call my yoga mat my home, wherever I am as long as I am on my mat I always feel at home.


My yoga journey has its roots in my family. Both my parents are yoga practitioners, and I inherited their love and passion for yoga through them.

My teaching journey started in India, where I studied 200h Vinyasa Yoga teacher training. My journey continued through 200h Bhakti Yoga in Sicily, Yin Yoga in Bali, Ashtanga Yoga in US and Poland, and many other inspiring workshops/courses around the world.


I love to learn different styles and techniques to create my own way of teaching.

I belive yoga is for everyone and goes beyond a yoga mat. 


Have a beautiful day!




Jorunn Maria is One Slow Yogi. Her focus is always on tranquility, well-being, and using yoga as a tool to find balance in life. Yoga is about life itself and not just a practice we do on the yoga mat.

With training in Yin, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Restorative Yoga, and teaching experience in all of these styles, as well as Hatha and Hot Yoga over the past decade, Jorunn brings all of her experiences together and now teaches YIN & YANG YOGA, which is a blend of dynamic, gently strengthening yoga and yoga for relaxation.

To find a good balance in life and within ourselves, we must be able to embrace both Yin - the ability to find stillness, and Yang - the ability to be active.

Welcome to gentle yoga. Here, we don't strive, we enjoy life.




 David Magyel, originally from Slovakia and now based in Bergen, Norway, is a professional jazz pianist and movement coach.


His approach to practicing movement is influenced by his background in martial arts, as well as his exploration in contemporary dance and contact improvisation.

David integrates these disciplines into a unique style that emphasizes aesthetics, playfulness, and fluidity in movement. His teaching method is inspired by greats like Roye Goldschmidt, Marcello Palozzo and Jon Yuen.

Here is a short description about my classes: 

"In these movement classes, you'll start with simple exercises and gradually move to more advanced ones, both individually and with a partner. We’ll explore animal-like movements, inversions, mobility, improvisation, and contemporary dance floorwork. As a result, your body control will improve, you'll become more mindful of how you move, and you'll likely be able to predict the outcomes of your movements more accurately. In essence, you'll gain the strength and ability to move more in more ways."  



Jorunn Maria is One Slow Yogi. Her focus is always on tranquility, well-being, and using yoga as a tool to find balance in life. Yoga is about life itself and not just a practice we do on the yoga mat.

With training in Yin, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Restorative Yoga, and teaching experience in all of these styles, as well as Hatha and Hot Yoga over the past decade, Jorunn brings all of her experiences together and now teaches YIN & YANG YOGA, which is a blend of dynamic, gently strengthening yoga and yoga for relaxation.

To find a good balance in life and within ourselves, we must be able to embrace both Yin - the ability to find stillness, and Yang - the ability to be active.

Welcome to gentle yoga. Here, we don't strive, we enjoy life.



Ceri Angharad

I grew up with parents who practiced yoga both on and off the mat. Even as a 7-year-old, Ashtanga yoga was my favorite activity to do with my dad. It led me to explore the body and its mobility, strength, and balance.

At the age of 19, I traveled to Mysore, India, where I experienced the deep roots, strict discipline, and traditions of yoga. After that, yoga became a duty and a challenging, hard work for me. A year later, in 2018, I completed a 200-hour foundational yoga training with One Slow Yogi, and yoga once again became my best friend. It was gentle yet strong, free and calm, with a curious and explorative approach.

Through extensive experience, reflection, travel, and research, I have found myself in yoga.

Life is yoga, and yoga is life :)

On the mat, yoga is a serene, dynamic, and active practice for me, yet gentle. It is breath before movement and a desire to connect with my own body. I teach dynamic yoga, yin yoga, dragon dance yoga, and I am also trained in children's and adolescent yoga.

Yoga is enjoyable and accessible to everyone!


Maria Djoenne/One Slow Yogi 

Maria er One Slow Yogi. Her er fokuset alltid ro, velbehag og det å benytte yoga som verktøy for å finne balanse i livet. Yoga handler om selve livet, og er ikke bare en praksis vi gjør på yogamatten.


Utdannet innen Yin, Vinyasa, Ashtanga og Restorative Yoga, og med undervisningserfaring fra alle disse og i tillegg Hatha og Hot Yoga gjennom de siste ti årene, drar Jorunn med seg alle erfaringer og underviser nå YIN & YANG YOGA som er en miks av dynamisk, lett styrkende yoga og yoga for avspenning.


For å finne en god balanse i livet, og i oss selv, må vi kunne både Yin -å falle til ro, og vi må kunne Yang -å være i aktivitet.


Velkommen med på rolig yoga. Her strever vi ikke, her nyter vi livet.




Hope Spjeld

Jeg oppdaget yoga og oppmerksomt nærvær (mindfulness) i 2017, og har siden den gang etablert en fast egenpraksis. Gjennom å praktisere yoga og tilstedeværelse øver jeg opp min oppmerksomhet, og lytter til kropp og sinn. Yoga er en livsstil og et godt verktøy, som hjelper meg å finne en god balanse mellom hvile og aktivitet i hverdagen.


Yoga gir meg styrke, bevegelighet og ro.


Jeg føler meg heldig som får dele yoga med andre. I mine yogatimer ønsker jeg å formidle anerkjennelse, trygghet og tillit til at det er mer enn bra nok å være deg selv, og delta akkurat som du er. Jeg er opptatt av helhet mellom kropp og sinn, og ønsker at yoga skal være tilgjengelig for alle som ønsker å benytte seg av det.



Videreutdanning i mindfulness (VID), Yogalærerutdanning hos Healing Rituals: Restorativ yoga, yin yoga og dynamisk yoga.


Benedicte Marie Skahjem

Min yogareise startet her, i dette studioet, for åtte år tilbake.


Etter å ha levd totalt frakoblet og på flukt fra min egen kropp i mange år, ble yogaen en myk dør som ønsket meg varmt velkommen hjem. Et trygt sted å lande, hvor kroppen endelig fikk rom til å komme til uttrykk.


Yogaen ble langt mer enn den fysiske praksisen, men også en måte å leve på; en dedikasjon til å møte opp for meg selv og livet rundt meg, en praksis av å romme både det indre og ytre livet, og en kjærlighet til stillheten. Yoga for meg ble en øvelse av å komme tilbake; tilbake til kroppen, tilbake til øyeblikket, til hjertet og til pusten.


Siden den gang har jeg utforsket og utdannet meg innenfor flere ulike former yoga: ashtanga, ayengar, yin, emosjonell yoga og dragedans. De siste årene har jeg også vært i Danmark og utdannet meg i Traumainformed De-Armouring Arts and Sacred Spaceholding.


Det viktigste jeg bringer til timene mine er trygghet, for i trygghetens tilstedeværelse er det rom for hver unike kropp til å ta plass. 


Valencia (vikar)

Hei, jeg heter Leandra og er en yogalærer med spesialisering innen tantra- og hatha-yoga. Jeg har praktisert yoga i 7 år, og utdannet meg i Ecuador ved Durga’s Tiger School of Tantra, Shamanism and Arts i 2020. De siste årene har jeg gjort diverse skoler og treninger med fokus på yoga og meditasjon innenfor like tradisjoner.


For meg er yoga å komme hjem. Jeg syns noe av det beste yoga kan gi er en opplevelse av selv-intimitet. Det er en balanse mellom nysgjerrighet og aksept for alt i kroppen. Klassene mine tilpasser seg gruppen, og kan være lette og lekne, eller stille og dype.


Ida Victoria Rullestad (permisjon)

I grew up with parents who practiced yoga both on and off the mat. Even as a 7-year-old, Ashtanga yoga was my favorite activity to do with my dad. It led me to explore the body and its mobility, strength, and balance.

At the age of 19, I traveled to Mysore, India, where I experienced the deep roots, strict discipline, and traditions of yoga. After that, yoga became a duty and a challenging, hard work for me. A year later, in 2018, I completed a 200-hour foundational yoga training with One Slow Yogi, and yoga once again became my best friend. It was gentle yet strong, free and calm, with a curious and explorative approach.

Through extensive experience, reflection, travel, and research, I have found myself in yoga.

Life is yoga, and yoga is life :)

On the mat, yoga is a serene, dynamic, and active practice for me, yet gentle. It is breath before movement and a desire to connect with my own body. I teach dynamic yoga, yin yoga, dragon dance yoga, and I am also trained in children's and adolescent yoga.

Yoga is enjoyable and accessible to everyone!

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Martine Baade

Jorunn Maria is One Slow Yogi. Her focus is always on tranquility, well-being, and using yoga as a tool to find balance in life. Yoga is about life itself and not just a practice we do on the yoga mat.

With training in Yin, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Restorative Yoga, and teaching experience in all of these styles, as well as Hatha and Hot Yoga over the past decade, Jorunn brings all of her experiences together and now teaches YIN & YANG YOGA, which is a blend of dynamic, gently strengthening yoga and yoga for relaxation.

To find a good balance in life and within ourselves, we must be able to embrace both Yin - the ability to find stillness, and Yang - the ability to be active.

Welcome to gentle yoga. Here, we don't strive, we enjoy life.



Synnøve  Saenger (vikar)

Jorunn Maria is One Slow Yogi. Her focus is always on tranquility, well-being, and using yoga as a tool to find balance in life. Yoga is about life itself and not just a practice we do on the yoga mat.

With training in Yin, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Restorative Yoga, and teaching experience in all of these styles, as well as Hatha and Hot Yoga over the past decade, Jorunn brings all of her experiences together and now teaches YIN & YANG YOGA, which is a blend of dynamic, gently strengthening yoga and yoga for relaxation.

To find a good balance in life and within ourselves, we must be able to embrace both Yin - the ability to find stillness, and Yang - the ability to be active.

Welcome to gentle yoga. Here, we don't strive, we enjoy life.


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